On 10/11/2014 7:40 AM, Scott Robbins wrote:
If possible, please don't top post. In line posting, with proper trimming, is the best way to go, especiallyh on a list like this.
http://linux.sgms-centre.com/misc/netiquette.php http://howto-pages.org/posting_style
fair enough
At this point in time, you might try looking at Fedora documentation, which has been using the CentOS 7 style of GUI for awhile now. Probably any documentation for Fedora 18 and up will be applicable.
I've reached a similar conclusion a few days ago, and so I bought the book http://smile.amazon.com/Practical-Guide-Fedora-Enterprise-Linux/dp/013347743... but unfortunately it, too, refers to commands that I don't have like system-config-services