On 7/28/10 12:10 PM, "Stephen Harris" lists@spuddy.org wrote:
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 04:04:26PM -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:
I've encrypted some database dumps with
openssl bf -d -in dumpfile.bf -out dumpfile -k mykey
bad decrypt 14142:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:325:
The weird thing is if I do the same with smaller files it can decrypt with no problem. I use openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5 on Centos 5.4.
Is the file over 2Gb in size? A number of programs have 2Gb filesize limits (eg "unzip"). You could, perhaps, use it as a pipe: cat dumpfile.bf | openssl bf -d -k mykey > dumpfile
This only is caused by applications that either a) impose a 2GB limit directly (zip being one) or b) have not been built with large file support (-DLARGEFILE_SOURCE -DFILE_OFFSET_BITS=64).