Michael A. Peters wrote:
5.2 has FireFox 3.0.5 (maybe has 3.0.6, I haven't done a yum update in awhile) and started with Firefox 1.5 in CentOS 5.0
http://centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Package_Manifest/ar01s03.html states 'firefox-3.0-0.beta5.6.el5'. Are you saying that yum will bump it to at least 3.0.5?
RHEL made an exception w/ FireFox and updates - and it was justifiable.
I can agree with that! I see that they jumped over version 2 entirely.
It sounds nice so far. Ned stated that there's a mix of vintages (some mature, others are quite new).
And, I'll certainly check the LiveCD (I've used Fedora's).