Hi Mark,
Thanks for the reply.
- Create a RAID 1 out of that partition and use a mount point of /boot
Only if you want to mirror the boot partition.
Doesn't one want to mirror that partition?
- Create other mount points I might want i.e swap, /home, etc
- Create RAID1 out of these partitions
Only if you want each directory RAIDed. DO NOT mirror swap. Bad idea.
Right, I get that, but what is fuzzy is it you, say have a drive with a few partitions that you don't mirror and a few that you do, doesn't the drive you are mirroring to have unused space equal to the amount of the partitions you are not mirroring?
A few questions:
- This system support 16gb of RAM. I have 9gb in it, but I will max it
out over the next few months as I find great deals on RAM, what should my SWAP space be? I recall a long while ago that SWAP should match physical RAM.
Nope. Received Wisdom said 2-2.5 times RAM. However, in these days of in insanely huge amounts of RAM, it's not really important. At work, I just make swap 2G for everything (and trust me, we've got servers that make your memory look piddly).
My manager here doesn't like LVM; but if it were me, I'd make that /var/www an LVM virtual partition. That way, you can always add another drive and thow more space into it.
I am not as familiar with LVM as I should be, do you have a link to info/tutorial?