On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Rob Kampen rkampen@kampensonline.com wrote:
Rob Kampen wrote:
I have started to setup an rpmbuild environment but need to read some more instructions, as when I followed the wiki I got different results - not sure if this is due to using the centosplus SRPM, as that is what all my workstations use, or due to my error in following instructions. When I tried the make oldconfig after copying the config file as indicated I ended up having to respond to lots of option questions that I have no idea about, thus I'm likely to select an option that causes problems. I thought make oldconfig was a process to dump out the current config settings so they could be used as a template for the new build......confused.
Because you are starting with a centosplus kernel and cplus kernels are already customized, you do not have to go through the customization part of the wiki instruction. In your case, all you have to do it to remove one patch.
I see the patch to be removed is this one:
Patch24883: linux-2.6-sound-alsa-hda-driver-update-for-rhel5-5.patch
Therefore, look for the line:
%patch24883 -p1
and delete it (it is line 9753 in the current kernel). If you had already modified the .spec file, I suggest you start fresh. The only other change you would want to make is "buildid" to provide a unique name for your new kernel.
Good luck!