Lots of opinions out there and I have read and read, so I have a home server that I have finally setup with a hot swap hdd cage and what I am planning on doing is copying my data drive every other day and rotating them offsite, haven't figured out how often though.  So I did my first test last night and the backup drive was formatted with ext3 but looking to try to speed things up and was wondering what would be my best choice.  Most of my data is on VM's and the hdd files on some of them are quite large, I have used JFS and reiser in the past and was leaning on going with JFS but am tempted to look at XFS.  So what I was wondering are what are folks experiences (instead of opinions) with different filesystems and while I want speed it needs to be reliable since it will be my back up data....running centos 5.4 x64 

Thanks in advance...