I apologize if this isn't quite the right spot to ask, but I did some googling on fc6, rhel5, centos5, terminal closings, etc and came up blank.
Three times since I installed CentOS5 on this machine (11 days ago), I have had ***all my my terminal windows spontaneously exit***.
For example: just now, I have a CD playing, firefox open with a few tabs, and emacs open. I also had ~5 terminal windows open, one for email and four for work. While typing an email on a remote machine in pine, *all* of my terminal windows exited. Just plain disappeared. Everything else, including the emacs copy started from one of those terminals, is running fine.
It's a frustrating thing to see happen! Has anyone else experienced this?
This is in the gnome desktop, x86-64 install, all the latest updates from yum. The machine is a nforce3 board with 1 gig of ram, Athlon64, sata drive, and NFS mounted home directories.