Host has 128GB RAM and its running CentOS 5.4 64 bit architect, Guest is 64 bit ubuntu 12.04, VMware Player I am using is 6.1
@Luigi- I have seen this thread and I have a Q around this. How do I know what hardware(e.g. 10/9/8) do I have?
Regards Hersh
On Monday, 20 January 2014 12:16 PM, Luigi Rosa wrote:
Hersh Parikh said the following on 20/01/2014 07:17:
I am running VMware player on CentOS 5.4 and its working fine. However it does not allow me to increase the RAM more than 3GB. It keeps throwing error stating- "Requested memory size is greater than allowed maximum of 3072 MB. Could not initiate memory hot plug."
I understand from few threads that 32bit OS has this kind of limitation but I am able to understand why I am seeing this issue when I am using 64bit OS and VMware player is also for 64bit.
Check this VMware article and see if you fall within the limitations described:
Virtual machine memory limits and hardware versions (1014006)
Ciao, luigi
- -- / +--[Luigi Rosa]-- \
Even bytes get lonely for a little bit.
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