Thanks to your help i've reached this step:
original data:
01,01368,2010-12-02,09:07:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,10:54:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,13:07:04,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,18:54:01,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,09:02:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,13:53:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,16:07:00,Pass
awk -F , '{if ($4 > "09:10:00") print $2 " was late on", $3 " by coming at ",$4}' test | tee DaysLate ; wc -l DaysLate
01368 was late on 2010-12-02 by coming at 10:54:00
01368 was late on 2010-12-02 by coming at 13:07:04
01368 was late on 2010-12-02 by coming at 18:54:01
01368 was late on 2010-12-03 by coming at 13:53:00
01368 was late on 2010-12-03 by coming at 16:07:00
5 DaysLate
the only thing missing is to find a way to just take the earliest time of each day.
in other words the above output should be:
0 DaysLate # as on 12-02 he came in at 09:07 which is before 09:10 and on 12-03 he came in at 09:02 which is also before the set time
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 14:35:13 -0500 From: To: Subject: Re: [CentOS] Text Proccessing script - advice?
John Lundin wrote:
On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 08:30:43PM +0200, Roland RoLaNd wrote:
(chuckle) That's a bit more verbose than necessary. As a one-liner:
awk -F, '($4>"09:00:00"){c[$2 "," $3]++};END{for (i in c){print i "," c[i]}}' $filename
Well, yes, but he also wanted a count....
01368,2010-12-02,4 01368,2010-12-03,3
(You might check if you want >="09:00:00", and include the edge case.)
-F, # set separator to comma
# (automatic loop over all data lines) ($4>"09:00:00"){ # do if fourth field greater than 09:... c[$2 "," $3]++ # increment hash element pointed to by # second and third fields separated by comma # (that is, hash on id,date)
END{ # after finishing the data for (i in c){ # for each observed hash value in array c print i "," c[i] # print the hash value, comma, count
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