Does any one know how to, if at all possible currently, to export a block device via eSATA? i.e. how do I do something like iSCSI, but over eSATA?
I have a cheat ($15 probably?) media player at home (Egreat EG-M31B Network Media Tank - awesome little machine) that runs some flavor of Debian and can be connected to any PC via eSATA as an external HDD's. i.e. it exports the built-in HDD as a block device to the host (My laptop or PC).
Now, the question is, how can I do this on Linux? Would I need a different eSATA card than the on-board eSATA port on most motherboards? Or would the on-board one work?
The question is, how do I tell Linux to export a file system, or block device via the eSATA port?
If any one has attempted this before, then please share some knowledge or pointers on the subject. I couldn't find anything using google, but I may not necessarily have searched for the correct terms?