On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 13:56, RedShiftredshift@pandora.be wrote:
I've installed the JDK 1.5 and used alternatives --config java to use the 1.5 JDK from Sun. However, the same compilation error still occurs. How do I tell rpmbuild or the .spec to use the Sun JDK?
I believe it should be using JDK 1.5.
From a closer look at the output, I believe the problem might be in
file /usr/lib/jvm-exports/java/jdbc-stdext.jar, which might be JDBC (from where I think java.sql.Wrapper comes) for Java 6. Where do you have this file installed from?
I wonder why the build procedure is looking at that file... Do you have CLASSPATH exported when you run rpmbuild? If so, try unsetting it before running the command.
You may also try to move that file (and maybe the Xerces file) to another directory and then try to build the package again.
I also see you are building the RPM as root, that is not advisable (as a bogus or malicious spec file might damage your system), you should build RPMs as a regular user, if you want more details on how to do that look at this Wiki article: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/SetupRpmBuildEnvironment#head-556b8aa080c4fc42...
HTH, Filipe