On 11/06/2010 08:21, Toralf Lund wrote:
Has anybody here tried the "Monit" utility (http://mmonit.com/monit/)?
For what you are trying to do - take a look at God ( http://god.rubyforge.org/ ) instead or : as lesser complex solution - bluepill ( http://github.com/arya/bluepill )
I've used Monit quite extensively in the past and found it to be quite limiting in that it wont let you easily wrap your app into a self managed bundle, or be able to use arbitrary conditions to influence monitoring state. Eg. When you are doing a yum upgrade httpd; you dont really want monit to try starting httpd when the rpm -e has just happened.
In your specific case, it will be nearly impossible for you to get Monit to do something like ' keen an eye on sshd, but only if it was already running and keep it in its state I left it manually.'
- KB