On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Mike A. Harrismharris@mharris.ca wrote:
muhammad panji wrote:
Dear all, I got weird permission on one of my server, when I ls -l the / i got permission for all directory set to "drwxr-xr-x." there are dot after the executable permission for others. what dot mean in permission and how to fix it? the actual problem is I could login via ssh but cannot login via winscp. any idea how to fix this? thanks in advance best regards,
IIRC, the "." at the end of the permissions indicates that the file has additional permission controls beyond the standard DAC bits, such as filesystem ACLs, filesystem capabilities, or other attributes.
Filesystem capabilities support is not present in CentOS 5, so are you using ACLs? What does the following show:
getfacl --tabular /*
AFAIK by default on centos partition mounted with acl option but I haven't set anything related to ACL
the output of getfacl --tabular /* # file: bin USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: boot USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: dev USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: etc USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: home USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: lib USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: lost+found USER root rwx GROUP root --- other ---
# file: media USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: mnt USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: opt USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: proc USER root r-x GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: root USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: sbin USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: selinux USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: srv USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: sys USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: tmp USER root rwx GROUP root rwx other rwx
# file: usr USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
# file: var USER root rwx GROUP root r-x other r-x
seems normal to me :) more clues please regards,