on 20:19 Fri 25 Mar, Ilyas -- (umask00@gmail.com) wrote:
Also note that:
- logrotate wouldn't rotate fifo/pipes if options `notifempty'
enabled in logrotate profiles. 2. enable buffering in syslog-ng.conf (next - whole list of options in my config): options { sync (128); time_reopen (10); log_fifo_size (16384); chain_hostnames (yes); use_dns (no); use_fqdn (yes); create_dirs (yes); keep_hostname (yes); dir_perm(0755); perm(0644); dir_owner(root); dir_group(root); owner(root); group(root); log_msg_size(16384); }; 3. Don't worry about blocking output in some services. If syslog-ng listen fifo locally (in the same server/vps where working daemon which logs we want serve) any output will be buffered (with few limits of free version of syslog-ng) in syslog-ng. Main idea here is that other side which listen fifo - locally runned syslog-ng.
My concern with buffering / blocking output has more to do with some critical service saying "wups, no more serving until I can flush my log buffers" than it does losing a few lines of logging periodically (though that should also be minimized).
- I used and using opensource version of syslog-ng and no have
problems with load. Syslog-ng is very perfect tool for loads.