I am moving from a server from running Red Hat 7.2 (with ProFTP) to Centos 3 (with vsFTP). There is a setting in ProFTP that lets me set the default ftp login directory for a specific user and I would like to do the same with vsFTP. The reason being is I have a ‘webadmin’ user that I use for uploading web content. I am thinking I could make the home directory of the webadmin /var/www in the /etc/passwd file but I would rather it just be for FTP and leave the login home as /home/webadmin. In ProFTP this was set in /etc/proftpd.conf like so:


DefaultRoot / webadmin

DefaultChdir /var/www webadmin


Does anyone know how I can do that? I would like the settings for the other users to work as they are now. I have been looking at chroot_list_enable, and chroot_list_file files but I don’t think that is quite what I am looking for (They are both commented out by default). I may be wrong.


Thank you for any help!

