I'm a bit confused regarding the connection of a Mac OS X system to the app store by the app store client.
Squid is configured using ncsa_auth and I can access https and http websites without a problem.
But the app store app is not logging in. I do get
==> /var/log/squid/cache.log <== 2014/06/11 13:23:10| The request CONNECT p12-buy.itunes.apple.com:443 is DENIED, because it matched 'ncsa_users' 2014/06/11 13:23:10| The reply for CONNECT p12-buy.itunes.apple.com:443 is ALLOWED, because it matched 'ncsa_users' 2014/06/11 13:23:10| The request CONNECT p12-buy.itunes.apple.com:443 is ALLOWED, because it matched 'CONNECT'
in my squid logfile.
Any hints or suggestions? Regards . Götz