Karanbir Singh wrote:
Sorin Srbu wrote:
According to wifey, I'm one of those insatiably curious ones. ;-) Anyway, that's a lot of data being shuffled! You don't see that kind of TB-amounts everyday, at least I don't.
here is a bit more trivia for those interested: the 4 main 'seeds' that came up were each running with 100mbps open uplinks. Atleast one person in the early stages was running at 200 odd mbps.
geez, makes me wonder if I should even bother to leave mine running with a 50kbyte/sec uplink ca (thats about 500kbps)... if I raise the cap much higher, it seriously throttles my home network (6Mbps in, 700k out)... I know, I know, I should implement some form of QoS or packet prioritization at my firewall.