Quoting R P Herrold herrold@owlriver.com:
On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
The[y] just announced customer only RHEL 5.6 beta notes: bind 9.7 - improved DNSsec support
So is there a Centos 5.6 beta with bind 9.7 or should I switch to FC13/14? :)
I inadvertently sent that under a @centos.org email address - that should have been from @owlriver -- sorry, as it was in no wise a statement from centos, and was my personal observation only
And given that this system is pretty much ONLY a DNS server, is my 'risk' of using the beta minimal?
well, you get to keep all the pieces ;)
You may be interested in the instructions for running DNSSEC under RHEL 6 (when available) that was presented by Red Hat training at the Red Hat Summit this year.