On 02/17/2014 02:12 AM, Yawei Guo wrote:
Hi Guys,
It is surprised that VMware-tools gives 4 options only for resolutin after I install VMware-tools for CentOS release 5.10 (Final), a guest OS running with VMware player 6.0.1 build-1379776. The kernal is 2.6.18-371.4.1.el5 x86_64 x86_64. The host system is win7 64bit OS. The hardware is Thinkpad T440S with a FHD display, 1920 X 1080. The following is what I get when I run vmware-config-tools.pl. The VMware-tools is VMwareTools-9.6.1-1378637.tar.gz. I think that is the latest version.
CODE: SELECT ALL https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=44910#Please choose one of the following display sizes that X will start with:
[1] 640x480 [2] 800x600 [3] 1024x768 [4]< 1280x800 Please enter a number between 1 and 4:
[4] 4
Obviously it does not contain the resolution I need. The information I get with getinfo.sh has one line "VGA compatible controller [0300]: VMware SVGA II Adapter [15ad:0405]"
VMware-tools worked well when I installed CentOS 5.5 for my virtual machine. What's wrong? Would you please help me? Thank you.
Best Regards, Yawei
I realize this is old, but one of the purposes of installing VMWare Tools is so that the display can resize to match the size of the window on your display. You notice that it says "that X will _start_ with". That is where it starts, but after it starts you are free to resize it as needed.
Does resizing not work correctly on your laptop?
Ted Miller Elkhart, IN, USA