Well , Thanks for your suggestions.

1.Which kind of file system is being used on the volume having trouble?
 A:  it uses the ext2fs filesystem on CentOS  4.6 x86_64

2.Do you have backups?
A: that server is used to backup other servers data , so itself  has not any backups

3.Is the volume small enough and do you trust yourself enough with dd to duplicate it off to a
USB|firewire|esata disk? (now THIS _is_ risky. :)

4.have you read `man fsck` to see why it was being suggested to run it WITHOUT the a or p options?
A: Yeah ~ I have read that .  In particular ,  "-p" options ,. This option is mainly provided for those sysadmins
who don't want to repartition the root system to be small and compact( which is really the right solution)


On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Todd Denniston <Todd.Denniston@tsb.cranrdte.navy.mil> wrote:
sync wrote, On 03/22/2010 05:11 AM:
> Thanks  for all reply...

A) as Nicolas HINTED please read the _text_ that follows "Guidelines for CentOS Mailing List posts" at
B) as time permits read the links in that section, I think the ones some of us want you to read are:
and a couple of supplementals:

> Because the boss don't let me do that .
> He said that would be dangerous and it would destroy all data in  the  hard
> disk

What did the boss say would "be dangerous and ... would destroy all data"
i.e. what command and options would the boss not let you run?

It is a bit hard to comment on that which is not here.

Is the boss more qualified to be administrating the machine in critical times like this than you**?
If so, then it is most likely time to hand him the keyboard and tell him he gets to keep the bits
that are left intact (both before he starts typing and after).
Will there be someone who you both trust to work on the machine in this state coming into the office

I would expect that anyone who is willing to help you over email would want at least the following
questions answered:
Which kind of file system is being used on the volume having trouble?
Do you have backups?
Is the volume small enough and do you trust yourself enough with dd to duplicate it off to a
USB|firewire|esata disk? (now THIS _is_ risky. :)
have you read `man fsck` to see why it was being suggested to run it WITHOUT the a or p options?

** The boss "...said that would be dangerous and it would destroy all data..." comment, indicates to
me that either you or he or both think that.

> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg <
> Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg@imag.fr> wrote:
>> sync wrote:
>>>     run fsck manually without a or p options?
>>> Not yet ~
>> why not?

>> try reading the bottom of this page:
>> http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=16
>> it's publicly readable, unlike your link.

Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter
CentOS mailing list