Did you already mention whether or not there is a network authentication system available with the users or are you planning to maintain all the logins and passwords yourself on this machine?
By now, due my little experience in this topic, I plan to maintain it manually, but if there is a method of doing this more professional and organized I'll be pleased to hear it.
Don't know if totally possible but I am working the idea of make some kind of integration between the secretary department and the mails account, some way that automatically the student is registered and without a person interaction the account be created with a combination of the speciality, name, and year of the student, that is enter in the register form of the student when it arrives the school.
Planning use postgresql and some php application.
When the student reach the end of the speciality, with the register year I would delete the account automatically, so the process will be a little automated, getting so a little more of time to study :).
Don't know until where this would be possible and this integration could be. So, again your suggestions will be the key for me. :)