My desktop environment has become a little chaotic, and, long story short, I would like to uninstall KDE and Gnome, and then reinstall Gnome. (I want to remove KDE for the time being because I just don't think I want it taking up space on my hard drive).
The thing is, I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. For instance, I want to make sure I don't lose settings in X, like my xorg.conf file. I just want to reset my Gnome interface back to how it was when I first installed it.
I'm thinking the steps I need to take are roughtly these, but it would be great if someone could verify that these will be a non-destructive way of getting Gnome back to it's original state:
1. Stop X (By running telinit 3 at a command prompt?)
2. Use YUM to remove Gnome and KDE (#yum remove gnome kde?)
3. Use YUM to install Gnome (#yum install gnome?)
4. restart X (#telinit 5?)
Could someone clarify if I have the commands right, and if this process is safe to undertake?