I have helped host a few applications such as GLPI, OCSInventory, etc etc. using the tarball method and untarring them in /var/www/htom directory.
I have never done them though using yum.
I was trying to install Trac, Bugzilla etc using yum install method on a Centos 6.2 box.
Somehow I am not able to see the respective pages say even using http://localhost/trac or http://localhost/bugzilla
Now comes the elementary and stupid question:
Now where do these stuff get installed? they are not under /var/www/html
I did find some under /usr/share
Any pointers to instantiate them?
I am not good at understanding what that beast of yum does as to post install script. Though I have created a mysql with CSV and blackhole engines about a year back and as I did it for a client of the company where I worked then and cannot have my grubby hands on that script.
Any help appreciated.