On 8/17/20 7:05 PM, david wrote:
At 07:11 AM 8/17/2020, you wrote:
On 8/13/20 11:23 PM, Mark LaPierre wrote:
Hey All,
Is it safe to allow the 193 series kernel update now? Last time I
that my system refused to boot. I had to roll back to the 4.18.0-147 kernel to get my machine to reboot.
Since that happened I've been watching this mail list for acknowledgement that the problem has been corrected while refusing the kernel update. I may have missed the announcement that the issue was resolved and the the update is now approved.
It 'SHOULD' be good. We announced it over the same weekend it was broken.
That does not mean every single combination of firmware, hardware, etc on every possible machine frm every manufacturer will work. But, we have had no reports of failure since the updates.
except for apple hardware. My Mac-mini runs just file as long as this text: exclude=grub2* shim* mokutil is added to the end of the file /etc/yum.conf
and executing yum -y update and rebooting works just fine. HOWEVER, if I remove that 'exclude' line from yum.conf, run 'yum update', and then reboot, the system is unbootable. I end up with a blank screen, no grub anything. I have also been unable to recover from this. Therefore, that exclude line stays.
I'm sorry about the delay in responding; I wanted to verify this on a 'crash-and-burn' MacMini.
Sure, but Apple actively TRIES to prevent any install other than their software on Apple hardware. That is certainly not something we support.