centos-bounces@centos.org wrote:
Yes, I do expect to do a bit of arithmetic. I will need several blocks of about 0.5G, and I am checking the limits. Is it true, then, that I won't really know if I succeeded with the allocation until I try to write the memory? What will happen then? Is there a way to check without actually writing?
That's where the malloc() bug can hit you. The bits I spoke of are only in the table of pages of your process' virtual memory. That's limited to 4GB without some mechanism getting past the 32-bit-addressing-snag. If you use calloc(), you discover at page-allocation-time that either your virtual space, or the system virtual space, is exhausted; this is preferable to discovery in the nth iteration of some deeply-buried loop that wrote to the 'one page too many'.
Stephen: Good clue on the overcommit_momory setting. I'd forgotten it.
Can you work on only one file at a time, each file under GOB, or do you must-have more than GOB of data in front of you at a time?
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