On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 06:58:36AM +0900, Soo-Hyun Choi wrote:
Well, yes and no. In case of Debian/Ubuntu, we need to modify apparmor settings (e.g., by changing "etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home" information) to get it right apart from just copying them and changing passwd file.
I wondered if CentOS has such an issue when relocating $HOME directories.
Not that I'm aware. But you could always relocate the home directories and then create appropriate symlink(s).
For example, if you're relocating everyone, you can move the users' directories, then remove /home and create /home as a symlink to the new top-level home directory (/export/blah). Or, if your users will be in various different places, you can keep /home and create a symlink for each user (/home/user1 -> /export1/user1 ; /home/user2 -> /export3/user2).
There are probably many other ways to deal with this; AFAIK CentOS shouldn't have any difficulties with any of these situations.