ankush grover wrote:
who owns /var/www/html/testing and what are the perms set on that directory? VsFTP still has to follow filesystem settings and directives. hey,
Thanks for your reply. Apache owns that directory.
permissions 755
guest username on vsftp is apache.
Ankush Grove
well, for the user *tester* to be able to access that directory the user has to either have ownership of that directory or be a member of the group that has access rights to that directory. My suggestion would be to make ownership of that directory tester.apache, and make the user tester a member of the group apache. Then your chmod setting of 755 will give the user *tester* rwx (read/write/execute) and the apache group r-w (read/-/execute) perms for that directory.
then when user tester logs in via FTP he'll be able to access his home directory.