On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 15:19 -0500, R P Herrold wrote:
On Fri, 16 Nov 2007, Les Mikesell wrote:
Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
On the other hand, redistribution is permitted...
Yeah, but there's still that indemnification clause in the Distribution License. The FAQ says that this really doesn't matter, the License says otherwise. And I tend to "believe" Licenses, because that's what you have ...
There aren't a lot of lawsuits over software because all responsibilities are always disclaimed away anyway -
One is sufficient to impair CentOS; Les, make a contribution of $10k$ and we'll get a formal opinion. If that is unappealing, tender along a update patch for the bottom of the CentOS wiki page Java installation instructions (the top still works just fine). Absent deeds, words are empty.
---- yeah but thank goodness, we can have plenty of them (words) ----
Anyway - as long as the opennms guys have it, it doesn't matter.
Thre is plenty of trolling and people offering casual legal opinions at 24x7 in debian-legal for many years, and presently in fedora-adv for the last couple days.
---- fedora-adv ? translation ?