On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 02:31:03PM -0400, Steve Clark wrote:
we are running 51 ipsec vpns on an Atom D510 at 1.66ghz and the load average is .07.
HTH, Steve
Some years back I used to run Smoothwall/GPL as a home firewall/router on things such as 90 MHz pentiums (with 64 or even 128 MB RAM), or at one point a 500 MHz AMD K6, and it had no load problems at all handling the 3 or 4 of us here who share the household LAN. Therefore I'd think that something such as an Atom would be entirely up to the task. There are a number of (relatively) inexpensive Atom boards in a Micro-ATX or Mini-ATX format that you could use, for example.