On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, david wrote:
To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org From: david david@daku.org Subject: Re: [CentOS] Installing from CD
Dear Gurus Thanks for the responses. I'll summarize what I've learned trying to install Centos6 on a Dell Optiplex GX 240
Review: a) I decried the lack of CD images for Centos6. b) I was informed that it's unlikely they'll be produced due to an upstream decision. c) I pointed out that the machine only had floppy, CD and HD boots capability. d) I got a suggestion to use the network method.
- PXE boot might work, but it seems that it's a lot of trouble
setting up a PXE server. I'm still working on it. 2) The NET-INSTALL indeed did work, with the following gotchas: 2a) The URL to enter is not obvious. 2b) I tried the one at Stanford, and at uidaho, but they failed. 2c) Finally, http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.0/os/i386 worked. 3) SInce I had only a text install, various interesting and important programs were missing: ssh (which apparently is masquerading under the name "openssh-clients"), ftp and perl, which YUM got for me.
- The module perl-Digest-MD5 was not in the repository. Was
its removal intentional, or is it hiding in some other Centos6 repository?
- The line-by-line notation during bootstrap is no longer
shown. This makes it difficult to detect where hangups occur during the bootstrap process. Is there a way to display those notations in real time?
Conclusion: I'm still trying
Hi David. I seem to remember doing an http:// install using the net installer CD. I did it via my LAN from my main machine to an old laptop that could not read the DVD media.
Is that an option on the Centos net installer CD, and will that work for you?
I think you just need to copy the OS installation files in a directory under your Apache Document_root, and the installer just grabs the files via http.
http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/13/html/Installation_Guide/s1-ste... 4.6. Preparing for a Network Installation
Kind Regards,
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