On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 11:05:51AM +0200, Remco Barendse wrote:
Nice hearing you again :)
I'd say it's other way around. As when i did stop with Tao Linux, i do think you still continued to use it :)
Thanks for the input. This box has been running Centos 3.5 for over a year now without any stability problems (running plain vanilla kernel 2.6). It's a single core Athlon64.
I guess that would pretty much rule out a hardware problem? I'll try to reduce the timings anyway.
I'd personal.ly rule out the CentOS-4 not working allright. Might be the hardware/BIOS combinatio too. I did have some Epox-board and Athlon64 which was not stable (== not even week uptimes) with any memory timings until BIOS update fixed it.
Another thing ruling CentOS out from my part is that when i stress test my new hardware, i usually do a funbuild of CentOS codebase which usually works aOK when the hardware is working aOK. lately i have been considering this too little of work as dual-code Athlon64 crunches this codebase around just too quicly (12h or something). This part of 'my unintentional testing' pretty much rules out CentOS-4 distribution being somehow faulty.
So maybe it's something triggered with CentOS-4 kernel which is quite radically different now from the vanilla kernel sources? I really don't know. The symptoms are pretty much same, what i did see while, iterating the problems on dyal-core few weeks ago.