On 01/23/2011 06:30 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
Yeah, "libvirt" is not your friend for network configurations, nor is the "bridged" network setup used for KVM. It's not well supported, especially in the documentation.
It's very well supported and documented. The URL in the message to which you replied contains complete documentation on setting up bridged networking for KVM.
libvirt is also not your friend for correct documentation. This *will not work* for RHEL 5 or CentOS 5, because there is nothing in the actual /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts to support it. You have to disable NetworkManager with chkconfig or rip it out, which is actually safer.
There is nothing that initscripts *needs* to do to support it. The setting only tells NetworkManager not to manage the interface.