On Fri Aug 12 17:14:00 UTC 2005 Paul Heinlein heinlein at madboa.com wrote:
How about
tar c $(find / -name *.conf) | ssh host.com "gzip -c > file.tar.gz"
Thank you very much, this worked. I have two supplementary questions. First, what is the significance of the $() construct in bash and how does it interact with tar? Does it take the place of standard input based on its position in the utility call?
Second, is there a way to exclude certain file names from matching that otherwise do? I have tried:
$(find / -name /*.conf && !*.so.conf)
and several variants without any success.
I am not using rsync, yet, due to lack of familiarity with it and a pressing need to get something working now. Once the essentials are in place then I will look at alternatives.
Regards, Jim