On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 20:00 -0400, Matt Hyclak wrote:
On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 03:48:31PM -0700, Karl R Balsmeier enlightened us:
Karl R Balsmeier wrote:
Is it difficult to build cobbler on Centos or should I just go with Fedora on this one?
Basically, if you have experience succeeeding at this, can you drop me a link to a Howto or describe the issues?
I am only writing this because I tried, and ran into quite a few dependency issues with upstream/downstream packages, and would rather concentrate on just getting a nice working Cobbler (and Puppet too for that matter).
Not looking for responses for the sake or responses per se, -i'm happy to do what's needed, but not seeing any repos for it either so....
basically what's the Centos equivalent of the commands:
Installation/Build For RHEL4:
- wget http://www.python.org/pyvault/centos-4-i386/python-cheetah-0.9.18-1.el4.pyv....
- wget http://www.python.org/pyvault/centos-4-i386/python23-cheetah-0.9.18-1.el4.py...
- rpm -i python*cheetah*.rpm
- wget http://cobbler.et.redhat.com/download/cobbler-$version.src.rpm
- rpmbuild --rebuild cobbler-$version.src.rpm
- rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch/cobbler-$version.src.rpm
I've already done it for you: http://www.math.ohiou.edu/pub/casit/et-tools/
We're working on getting those into CentOS Extras. There may be some RPMs up in the testing repo, I've not checked lately to see if they made it there or not.
Just to follow up on this post ... there are cobbler, koan, puppet RPMs for CentOS-5 in the testing repo ... not for CentOS-4 yet though.