umair shakil wrote:
Dear Concerns,
I have backup script which TAR the data, makes one copy on local hardisk and then FTP to another machine. Last few days i m facing problem with it. The cron job only makes the copy automatically on local disk but doesnot automatically FTP to another machine.
I ran the script manually, the script runs successfully.
For trouble shooting i displayed the output in some file and shown this error:
Cron Entry is : */5 * * * * /opt/bin/ 2> /tmp/error_log
"/opt/bin/ line 3: ftp: command not found"
Either modify the PATH environment variable in your script so that it includes /usr/bin or specify the ftp command that must be inside this script as /usr/bin/ftp rather than ftp.
Have a nice day :)
Please help me out of this problem.
Umair Shakil Askari Bank Limited
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