Quoting Dave Hornford OSD@HOrnfordAssociates.com:
Its the result of reading something about an app I know nothing about and attempting to head-off a problem before I get there. In retrospect what I read, and the follow-up google searches that showed there might be a problem, were from people who knew less than I did. But that is the internet - help files and directions written for people who know what to do, and help queries from the lost, who don't even know what terminology to use when asking for help.
My guess is that what you found on the web were problems with usernames containing dots. Not email addresses containing dots. If users have usernames as you described (with no dots), you should be fine. Translation from first.last@domain to usernames is most likely done at MTA level, whatever they used for MTA. If they used sendmail or postfix, you probably won't have any additional work to do. If they used Courier's MTA module, you'd need to replace that with either sendmail or postfix and create table with mappings between email addresses and usernaems (either using aliases or virtusertables).
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