On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:
But I *do* have a problem with RPM Fusion and Karanbir's repo, because they keep packages in "testing" even if nothing happens (they could stay there until 2014, right?).
oh _+please+_ troll elsewhere .. no-one forces you to use any third party repository, and you are late to the game.
http://www.owlriver.com/projects/packaging/ has not been materially updated for over five years, because there is no longer any material purpose to it.
EPEL decided [was arm-wrestled to submission by @redhat's ;) ] to continue down the 'there can be only one' path Warren announced long ago in 'fedora.us'. I disagree. We are both right, and I address the matter by not using third party binary archives and building all the time https://www.redhat.com/archives/epel-devel-list/2007-May/msg00156.html
Red Hat as a commercial entity has much to lose from a lawsuit alleging contributory infringement (patented codec's, etc); Red Hat owns Fedora, and Red Hat owns EPEL. End of story as they have a duty to to be risk adverse to their shareholders
'amicable 'federation' is about all that one can achieve' Not the end of the world -- not hard -- and I publish the fruit I grow.
-- Russ herrold