On Wednesday 22 November 2006 13:27, Matthew Martz wrote:
On Wed, November 22, 2006 1:42 pm, Matthew Martz wrote:
I'm in need of installing two NICs in a machine that are connected to 2 different public networks and I need both IP addresses accessible from the outside. The IPs are part of two completely different subnets.
For example: eth0 IP - GW -
eth1 IP - GW -
How can I configure 2 gateways on this server?
I should probably also mention that I want traffic that comes in over eth0 to go out over eth0 and traffic that comes in on eth1 to go out on eth1.
I'm not a networking guru, and this isn't really my domain, but it sounds like maybe you should use some sort of routing daemon to control this with more features than route(8) allows.
The quagga package (in the base package set) is a fork of zebra, and I think it will do this and more if you need. If this is overkill or just plain incorrect, maybe some people that know better will be tempted to post to correct me...
P.S. There are howto's on getting link load sharing using routes and iptables rules that may implement this bahavior as a side effect. Googling for that may yield some good information as well.