I am using CentOS-3 as a desktop distribution. With the exception of fewer red hats and some different logos, it looks exactly like RedHat 9 to me.
The problem is some web sites do not work right, as there is no Shockwave Flash player and Java support seems to be a problem. For some web sites, I have to used Windows.
I prefer not to download and install something that YUM could not help keep up to date.
If I volunteered to be the "package maintainer", could browser enhancements be included in the "extras"?
I am volunteering to be the package maintainer in part because I expect I would not actually have to do any package maintenance.
Micromedia has a download for Mozilla under Linux,
and they say they support it for RedHat.
I am hoping I will find a similar solution for Java.
What do you say?
Rick Graves