On 05/25/2018 04:47 AM, Martin Vogt wrote:
On 05/20/2018 07:45 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
So, you have to have a full i386 build root to build i386 arch packages .. then only a subset of those built packages are actually used as multilib packages for x86_64.
as Nux! said, you have to use the i386 distro to build those.
I have the problem, that in mock shell the file /etc/rpm/macros.dist has a wrong entry in the dist section.
This complicates the process, because yum has trouble with dependency tracking.
You can (and likely should) pass in the %dist either by using this option when starting mock:
-D "dist <value>"
Or by putting this value in your mock config file:
config_opts['macros']['%dist'] = "<value>"
Either way, when you start mock at that point, the dist should then be whatever you want it to be.