Hi Kwan,
Thanks for fast the reply.
Funny, I was reading that when I posted to the list.
Not really a practical solution as my needs are for user home dirs which get automatically created when a user in created.
The solution in the link would mean that I would have to script in some additional code that formats the users home dir as a file system, mounts it (if I have 300 users, will I have 300 mounts?) and then exports them (will I also have 300 exports?), and then 300 mount points on each workstation?
I really really hope Centos/RHEL has some way similar to a Winblowz GPO were I can limit a users home folder in size.
- aurf
On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:50 PM, aurf alien <aurfalien@gmail.com> wrote:Check out this link:
> Hi all,
> Is there a way to implement folder quotas instead of just partition quotas?
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