On 01/30/2012 08:45 PM, Jonathan Nilsson wrote:
as for partitioning, i have not had success using any linux installer to resize an existing Windows partition. supposedly gparted on a livecd can do this (though it has not worked for me when i tried it, possibly because i didn't defrag windows first): http://www.micahcarrick.com/resize-ntfs-partition.html
the most reliable method for us has been to pre-partition the drive into at least 2 partitions, then install windows into the first partition, then install centos (letting it use the free space to auto-create partitions for /boot and LVM, and correctly set up grub in the MBR.)
You can Ghost the partition with the software that allows to reduce the partition when getting it back, so you ghost, delete and rectreate the partitions, and get the ghosted partition back in smaller space.