On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 11:24:03AM -0600, Tom Bishop wrote:
I know you and other RHEL folks keep saying this about cashing out etc, but they could have kept stream and Centos stable at the same time but chose not to. Ya know, if it walks like a duck and quacks as a duck...who knows maybe this goes down as one of the best decisions ever for RH but I think its going to hurt them in more ways then they ever thought about.
As I've also said before, I have no special insight into how RH and the CentOS board came to this timeline, but I _am_ inclined to believe that the motivation is the one that they give: they want to focus attention and resources. Look at CloudLinux saying that they plan to invest a million dollars a year into doing their rebuild. It's easy to _say_ "Red Hat could easily have done both".