Scott Taylor spake the following on 1/31/2006 12:18 PM:
Hello all,
Has anyone experienced upgrading from RHEL3 to Centos 4.2? Is it advisable? I'm running mostly native RH stuff, Apache Web server, Sendmail, Squid and IPTables gateway.
Will an upgrade work or should I start from scratch?
-- Scott
It will "work", but it isn't the best ting to do for a stable system. It will leave behind a lot of old crap that will take up space, and be a pain to figure out what to remove. It is ok for a test system that you are going to wipe later, and you just want a quick and dirty test of the new OS and your apps. But it is better to start over, and have good backups. (Or a new machine, and leave the old one running until the migration is done). That is my plan as I replace 2 aging RedHat 9 servers I have running. The new hardware should be here in a week or two.