On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 14:04, Carlos Santana neubyr@gmail.com wrote:
I have a diff file in my /var/tmp and would like to apply patch to a file in a different directory (other than /va/tmp). I tried using patch with -d switch, but that doesn't work. It complains abt 'patch: **** Can't open patch file tilda.diff : No such file or directory'. Do I need to copy my diff file to the directory where original file resides? Or is there any other way round?
cd /path/to/file/to/be/patched patch -p0 </var/tmp/tilda.diff
You might want to use -p1 or -p2 or -p3... depending on what is the path to the file inside the .diff file. To figure that out, open the .diff file and look at the lines that start with --- and +++, then see how many directories are there before the filename, use that number for the argument to -p.
HTH, Filipe