On 2/18/2010 8:20 AM, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
I use epel (has a lot of different stuff but generally does not have newer versions of standard packages), rpmforge (sometimes has newer stuff and may cause some conflicts) remi (up to date ocsinventory-server, php, mysql), and opennms (Sun JVM 1.5 and opennms). Normally I leave epel enabled in the yum
We use as well:
- EPEL: their missions statement is that they will NEVER update base:
You have to take mission statements with a grain of salt. There was a time when you would get java-1.6.0.openjdk from epel instead of the stock version - and things like that will probably happen again as the base repos decide to duplicate things that already exist in 3rd party locations. They have a history of never making any effort to coordinate that process.