Scott Silva wrote:
I actually used the tarball from the horde site. If you untar it under your webroot, it is pretty easy. I have it authing through imp, which auths through IMAP from my local users. It was a lot easier then the rpm's in the extra, but you can't beat the ease of just "yum groupinstall "Horde Apps"
Cool. I'll have to check it out again then.
We're currently running SquirrelMail here for webmail. While it's fine, it does only one thing, and that's e-mail. We really need shareable calendars, contact manager, and e-mail client all in one.
Currently our backend is Postfix and dovecot. SquirrelMail connects through IMAP then. My boss wants me to keep the backend in place, so if Horde can connect through IMAP to pull mail, that would be ideal.
I've been using Zimbra on my own e-mail account at work as a test, but the only thing that I don't like about Zimbra is that it cannot connect to anyone else with IMAP. It expects to be the full-blown mail server, not a secondary type system. So I had to set it up and jump through some hoops to get it talk, forward, and deliver mail, etc. from Postfix.
I had looked at Horde some time ago, but brushed it off. I think I'll check it out though again and get it up and running.
Thanks! Max