On Sat, 2007-08-25 at 05:49 -0400, Scott Ehrlich wrote:
Continuing my single sign-on efforts, I'm adjusting things a bit - incorporating NIS+Samba+LDAP on the server.
I found an Ubuntu-based document that gives step-by-step instructions for my things, and seemed to work as I was adapting some of the items to RH/CentOS. Its url is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAP-Samba_PDC_(for_Linux_and_Windows)
There are other similar documents for other Unix variants, including FreeBSD. Just search on http://localhost/phpldapadmin
One of the key items it mentions is http://phpldapadmin for complete web-based, graphical management of ldap. This, obviously sounds great, but I couldn't find a similar document for CentOS/RHEL 5. Fedora 1 is the closest.
It would be geat if someone could find one for a modern CentOS/RH distribution.
---- these kind of treatments encompass a single point of view which don't generally apply across the board since LDAP is sort of an designer toolkit.
phpldapadmin is a useful tool - I personally rely upon webmin http://www.webmin.com and their 'LDAP Users and Groups' module for creating/maintaining user and group accounts.
The issue is that you have to learn how to use LDAP because integration into things like smtp delivery, imap, etc. will vary depending upon which you use. There really is no walk through or pre-set configuration for LDAP and that is what seems to lose most people.
I heavily recommend learning to use LDAP because once you get it, integration into other things like samba or nis/nfs mounts becomes rather easy but until you learn it, integration will be a bitch. The book that I used that made it all understandable for me was Gerry Carter (of Samba fame) book titled "LDAP System Administration" which is probably a bit dated but will always be appropriate for an LDAP beginner.
While this isn't entirely responsive to your needs, you might find this useful...