On Tue, 14 Dec 2010, Bowie Bailey wrote:
To: CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org From: Bowie Bailey Bowie_Bailey@BUC.com Subject: Re: [CentOS] Stripping silent periods from MP3s
On 12/14/2010 2:38 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Keith Roberts wrote:
<snip> > Sorry for my lame email replies, (please excuse the pun), > but I had problems with my email recently. > > I've just had to clear out ~6,000 SPAM messages from my new > hosting providers web mail account :( > *sigh*
I've been getting bounces, because some spambot appears to be forging my address as a Reply-To, or maybe even as a From. I'm hoping for a bounce from a legitimate ISP, with a tech support/abuse contact, so I can at least see the full headers of the crap.
One of my addresses is getting about 500 bounces per day from some Russian spammer forging the address. Quite annoying. This has been going on for ages now. Not much I can do about it.
Well you can try tmda as mentioned in an earlier post.
YOu can configure it to DROP any bounced messages, so they do not appear in your inbox.
Also if you have a catch-all email address, ie whatever@karsites.net, then the spamers just love those, as they can make up any user they like for your domain, and then spam you till their hearts are content!
tmda also allows you to generate special time-limited email addresses, that are checked for their validity as they come into your machine.
It can do lots more as well.
I just gave up fiddling with it, as my IPS's spam measures have been upgraded, and there was hardly any spam getting through when my domain was on their DNS.
Now I have my domain on another DNS, and I'm currently collecting my email from their mail server, I need to manage the email and spam setings differently.
Kind Regards,
Keith Roberts
In theory, theory and practice are the same; in practice they are not.
This email was sent from my laptop with Centos 5.5