Les Mikesell wrote:
On 9/24/2010 12:55 PM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Well, other than that openjdk has not supplied/supported the java browser plugin since last year, and the "workaround" is to install Sun's, er, sorry, Oracle's java....
Has Oracle been any more sensible about building an RHEL-style (with appropriate locations and alternatives setup) RPM than Sun was?
Haven't seen anything yet... except where Oracle put their name in place of Sun's in the latest release of java, and *broke* a huge amount of software... including Eclipse, becuase for some inane Java (sorry, I'm repeating myself) reason, they were looking for the string "Sun Microsystems", instead of *just* the version and subversion release numbers....
That's interesting... Well, no, it's strange. Does openjdk still have the sun name in the right place? And I thought RH had made their version of eclipse work with gjc before deciding to put Sun java in their update stream and later going with openjdk.
No idea, but here's the tale: http://it.slashdot.org/story/10/07/28/2121259/Oracles-Java-Company-Change-Breaks-Eclipse